Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Random rantings...


Thanks to my helpful and smart lab group mates.. i finally see the light for my lab project and know how to proceed with my report writing.. i just need to organise my time.... Once again.. i'm stuck on a thermo-DIE-namics topic.. this time.. on the Brayton cycles... urgh....

Since year 2, i dread thermodynamics.. i didn't ta-bao the subject... but i didn't do well in it either... so i'm good as 'ta baoing' in some sense... I've always been an average student.. actually a below - average student..i get Bs like how people get their As... and Cs and Ds are common for me...

Actually, studying isn't that bad.. its quite fun actually and you feel a sense of satisfaction being able to comprehend what's being tested. It's just that i need a longer than usual time to understand and appreciate the subjects compared to others and i don't have the luxury of time considering i'm inside the school's dragonboat team and i train 4 times a week with the i kinda look up to those of my teammates who can juggle their studies, training and still able to put aside some extra time for their special someones...

Sometimes, it gets really stressful...having so much work to do..yet i have push myself extra harder on my free days so i can catch up on my fitness to match up the general crowd of my team.. I hardly have the time to go out and enjoy myself. Many times, the thought of ponning training or even quitting the team has crossed my mind.. the thought of being a 'simple soldier' and just do my tutorials, study and just nua at home.. go out with my friends every other day and watch movies.. some time for me not to do anything at all...

but i know if i really do give up.. school won't be as fun.. becoz i will be doing nothing all the time. After 2 years of sweat and pain, losing and winning..., dragonboat has become somewhat like a religion to me ... something that i can't do without.. I am also not alone in my struggle for a balanced life.. all my other teammates are also doing their very best to juggle their studies and personal life..knowing that the other will be there for us in times of need..

I just hope God gives me more strength this year to do what i set out to do... I need more strength to push on for my studies, perservance to train harder and get fitter, faith and trust that things will go well.. as well as courage to pursue the future of my life...

Lets just hope it would continue to be a good year ahead.

Sway - Bic Runga

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