mmm.. is there like a limit of pictures you can post on each entry? lol.
Anyway.. i'm glad i helped the insinyur people with the photoshoot ..
first time someone approached me for such a shoot.. my skills and equipment still suck though..
Anyway, IA is also good arh.. i'm looking fwd to the money that's coming in.. kekeke..
looking to get
1) citadel and transamerica .. games from minds' cafe so i can bring them along for get togethers at parties.
2) wii .. another party gaming system..
For this coming year.. i'm also looking fwd to re-doing my room..hope that i will finish all the cleaning up of the unwanted stuff by jan, shift out the unwanted stuff by feb, get the new furniture from ikea...
Happyness with an Y for you instead of I for i all the time... my thoughts are always with you
happiness! :D
anw, have fun during attachment!
lol.. who are you man.. drop me a pm on msn leh..
haha. i think the y there's quite meaningful actually..
"Happyness with y because of you instead of I all the time.."
that's nice, haha. so there's a special you eh? ;p
haha. don't we all wish we've got someone liddat somewhere at sometime.
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