Tuesday, January 20, 2009

mmm. this anin't good....

1) my mom's was complaining on Monday that she's having double vision in one eye.. where she's seeing 2 spots on the same eye.. turns out that the doc said somethin like the eye retina membrane or something flowed from the back of her eye to the front.. She was at the hospital waiting to see the eyecare specialist from 3pm all the way till around 9pm.. Back again at the doc's this morning.. the doctor told her that there might be a chance that she won't recover from this..

Although this is not life threatening.. and i dun think my mom will turn blind suddenly .. but then.. it anin't a good thing still in the long term.. hope she gets better.. already.. she commented that one of the spots have already disappeared.. hopefully its for good.. we gotta wait till next week when he returns to the hospital for a check up.

2) i'm starting to encounter obstacles for my project in work... apparently... the rigidity of the test perimeters are failing the perfectly correct results i've collected... this is not good especially when i conducted the tests properly..so what went wrong.. ?

Also due to the transfer of production responsibilities to it's other regional branches, i could not longer conduct one of the tests on a certain product sample of my company to complete this project as well.. and i currently cannot find a good alternative yet.

3) "I've sent you the list of tutors, good luck with yours" .. thats what my colleague or course mate emailed me earlier today.. thats because i'm being attached to one of the 'not so good' profs. hope that his teaching antics only goes as far as the lecture theatre and not into Industrial Attachment.. i still need my A, pretty please...

4) i suddenly found out i can't do some stuff in feb and that made me a lil sian... haiz.

urgh. its hard to stay positive if you keep hitting walls.. but life still goes on and i'll live..


Anonymous said...

hey, jiayou k! hope everything works out in the end! :p

Nathaniel said...

thanks thanks mystery person.. lol. yeah. hope so bah. =)