mmm... yesterday, keng hock suddenly msned me telling me if i know my other course mate.. he has chanced upon a copy of my 3011 project that is circulating around ... i wonder who started circulating it and i wonder if it was either me or elmer that sent the first copy..
anyway.. i was glad that he found it useful and helpful (well i hope so bah..) saying that it was detailed and good.. mm.. thinking about made me happy.. which reminded me of it as somewhat like the Half Blood Prince that Harry Potter relied on for his potions class...
not that i'm particularly boastful about it but more of a sense of satisfaction cos both me, elmer and with xiaoqian's help.. thought its definitely not the best around.. but we tried our best and made it as detailed as we could...
and cos of it.. i happily bagged my first few As which only started appearing last year... though it was a tough period coming up with this report.. much spent over late night coffee runs and re-runs of movie videos to keep me awake.. i guess it was all worth it..
as i work on my 4011 right now.. i hope to repeat the feat and churn out a report of the same standard or even better... with the hope that i would again get a much better grade this time... especially cos the scope of my class' project dwarfs the scope of many of my peers in its complexity.. which is quite an unfortunate fact.. one that i believe many of my classmates will be cursing and swearing about our tutor as they rush their work out...
3 more weeks remains on the doomsday clock
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