Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Clinical Trial Day

Today's the day...D Day..

my first Clinical Trials Day with my research team .. where me and my phd mentors got our patient / volunteer to help us test out several tests for the different prototype set ups for our devices..

Well, not all the tests went on smoothly, but i guess thats why they are tests.. and failure or whatever that fails is a positive result ... we managed to see what's wrong and things to improve for the next set ups... like the frame, the power systems, the chakra sandals ... we managed to run a couple of other tests such as the Foot gait test to measure footfall pressures as well as EMG tests to measure muscle activations.. Overall, i guess it was quite a productive day in terms of the results we extracted.. though now we have to process them and hence... but that would be another day bah....

i need rest.

this concludes 2 and a half months of non stop action and its time to prep for the exams. we improved on our initial frame set up, took time off from class and made it as serviceable for our test today.

for the past 2 weeks though.. i spent most of my time trying out my insole sensors, after countless times of testing.. it still doesn't give me good readings. Yesterday me and my mentor tried hard to fix the problems to the best that we could and we decided to hook it up with an instrumentation board instead, it still didnt give us clear readings after trying to process it, but i guess we can only make do with what we have. before heading back to my room at around 12, i decided to check if my fyp partner yunli if he was still fixing up the frame.. and true to his nature, he was still there.. If there was a 'hardworking' prize .. i guess he will win it for sure.. gotta peifu him cos he skipped his lunch and dinner to work on the frame, and didnt intend to go home until he's finished...

i decided to stay and help him and thankfully we managed to finish at 1am..

I must say i also peifu my mentors and seniors.. one of them also stayed overnite to fix up their prototype. It was quite unfortunate that one of their motor drives failed but their system looked impressive. for the past month , once their frame was completed and sent over to our lab, they started assembling and programming the device.. it was quite a waste not to be ready for testing though...

overall, so far, i quite enjoyed this FYP ... its quite a hands on project but i'm glad to learn the things i always wanted to learn ... the bad part is just that i don't have alot of time to focus my time on the necessary researching and learning the necessary skills that i'm lacking for it such as robotics control ... there's just too much school work.. (@W^%^#* 4011 project)... inevitably, i also had to miss some trainings to rush out certain parts of the project for fabrications for today's trial.. i am alr skipping my sleeping time, my lesson time, and my weekend gf time for my fyp ... the only time left would be to tap on my training time...

so. have the people been fair for me
i wonder..

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