Monday, April 6, 2009


Party in Melvin's Place (PiM_P) on Saturday was a success ! haha. all except for the faulty grill table.. -_-.. i gotta go get a new one le. so sad. it was my gift to my parents and we barely used it...

order your food from.. dad
all set and ready to wii! wee!

here comes the bdae girl. blindfolded and lost. "where am i?"

shh.. get those candles and ur party poppers ready.
omgomgomgomg.. where am i? bishan? who's home is this?

i wish...

and to seal the wish..

thank god we have the oven. when the grill top failed.

wii! i will need to buy all the rabbids games..

all those that were there that day.. !

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