Mmm... looks like alot of people are celebrating their 'big occasion' in the recent 2 weeks.
*looks at jinhan (1mth), leslie (1yr), Boon (2yr)*
Last week, was also our 6th Month-sary...
too bad the exams are looming by, and i just started studying... we couldn't really spend a day out just having fun... my DAMN GOOD girlfriend instead suggested we should go have a nice dim-sum brunch at Harbourfront's Dragon Gate on Sunday morning since i don't have much chance of enjoying such luxuries during term time when i usually have trainings on weekend mornings.. and I've never gone there before..
A picture from the crime scene.... most of the food there were fried... our favourite were the fried yam balls with prawns and the fried mixed fruit balls. The rest of the food were just so so and quite filling cos there's so much batter on the fried dim sum. I think we still like Din Tai Fung's steamed dim sum selections like the mini yam baos and the XLBs from Din Tai Fung better..
After eating, we decided to adjourn to Starbucks@vivo to study... saw a couple of people studying there as well.. halfway through at our stay there.. local Capella group Budak Pantai (they have a nice website design btw ) came in and started promoting their upcoming concert and album... it was nice having people coming in and give a live gig though we were instead engrossed at our notes and sudoku puzzles half the time though.. and we left for my place immediately after their gig though.. cos the sun was shining through into the shop and unto us....
Haha.. last of all, i would like to thank my gf once again for throwing me another surprise last weekend.. for giving me an exams goody ... i was wondering how come she was coming over to my place so late ... who knew she would SURPRISE me once again.. lolz.

The air conditioning at the restaurant was really cold...
Haha.. thanks for being my cheerleader...=)