there's always somethin new to see every now and then...
wished our National Museum was bigger...
oh ya... a new toy from sony...
wished our National Museum was bigger...
oh ya... a new toy from sony...
Yum. Comfort food.
mmm.. I'm feeling kinda sore now.. after finishing two papers today with a 1 hr break in between the two papers. Right now i feel like i just finished three consecutive days of guard duty. urgh. shag.. so here i am blogging about the day's adventure..
MP3001 Control and Dynamics...
i managed to complete around 4 / 5 questions... (i cross my fingers that i got most of my solutions right) ..Hopefully i can scrap through.. It's a lil bit like 'no pride' to say that bcos i'm not those that aim for Cs or Ds and heck it but.. urgh. i wouldn't want to do this subject again.. Jinhan was telling me that one of his EID mates who's got a gpa of 4+ was in a state of shock after the paper.. but me on the other hand, i was quite relieved after completing the paper though.. (jialat.i hope its not the case of die already also dunno? lol hope not.) At least can do most f the questions.. not like my year 1 physics papers and my year 2 thermodynamics paper where it was really chui. go in and flip exam question paper and not the answer booklet to write my answers down. oh well. its over le. so be it bah. hope everybody pass bah.
CS119 Hollywood to Bollywood...
I spent most of my time watching movies for this course.. but if only it is as easy as watching a movie. For this subject, you have to critic and comment on the film techniques used by the directors. Relate the cinematography, narrative to historical events.. etc...
Although i S/Ued the subject... but i dunno if i can get the S.. =( (hopefully i do. it's my last elective le) I only prepared for this paper briefly 2 weeks before but in the past week i've been focusing all my attention on my control paper. I only had a lil bit of time this morning and the break before the paper to prepare for it. If you are looking for an elective to do just to clear your AUs without studying much.. please don't take this. Its not a 'last minute paper'.
kk.. anyways, its time to start studying for my Mp3002 paper on wednesday.. I only have roughly 1 day to prepare everything..
Anyway .. things to look forward to...
1) Retail Therapy - i will be buying both Red Alert 3 and Fallout 3.
This game is a classic genre by itself ... where sex and power sells.
2) Cut my hair - i'm starting to really look like Rock Lee and i'm not a fan of long hair. (a fat one)
3) 007 - Quantum of Solace.
4) hangout at serangoon gardens over the weekend mebbe?
also after wednesday.. i look forward to having time to get back in shape.. .. i'm guilty for not being a true athlete like Yekai, Jinhan and Jonah..Think i can no longer do the 'omote renge' but i can now do the 'baika no jutsu'. shit.
Other random thoughts..
if the Marina Bay IR fail due to the economic downturn will the site be something like North Korea's Ryugyong Hotel ( ?
Adidas should someday sponsor NTU students and give out free goodie bags...
a bit more and my silly 3011 project is done... and i finally found time to start mugging..damn.I'm choking on my 3011 assignment... there's so much to do if u wanna hand in a good report.. and before you can type your report.. you need to read up on the subjects related..
oh well.. submission's supposed to be tml , tuesday, but thanks to Prof Chen, its pushed to Friday.. (there goes my sleep for the next few nights.. and my mugging time. sian)aight, thanks Domokun
1) got a new timex ...
hope it lasts.. Enyu's strap snapped and Jx was telling how lousy the cover is .. and might fall off (his did.. and he's damn sian abt it.. since its a gift from his other half..)
Why must Hollywood spoil our childhood impressions on our favourite cartoons and games with their half assed renditions.. bloody hell..
(good god.. first a street fighter movie, with edmund chen acting in it.. now a dragonball movie with chow yun fat acting in it as gui xian ren"
4) listening to junk music like
Britney's 'Womanizer'
Proper youtube link: dats all for now. back to studies.
itadakimasu! Seafood Toji and Tonkatsu Toji.
Mixed seafood with Egg sauce and Fried Pork Cutlet in Egg sauce. Please order the Tonkatsu Toji.. its cheaper and tastier. I felt kind of ripped off eating a few clams and some prawns for the Seafood Toji. urgh.
Last but not least..After dinner, we decided to explore the nearby Alexandra Arches, Henderson Waves and Forest Walk.. Do a bit of research for 'next time... for our future halves' Wah. its a damn long walk lah
I learned that Ella, ella, ella eh eh does not qualify as a rhyme to Umbrella. Thanks Yekai.. hahahaha (Cinderella, Zebra and nutella do though...)
Star of the Night, Crabs!
My study buddy and good friend, Elmer's birthday fell on the Monday of the recess week.. despite not feeling very well.. i still went out to celebrate with him though since birthdays only come once for everyone. My camera died halfway so i didn't manage to get good pixs of my adventure that night.
Thanks to Wen hui, we were able to drive in his dad's car and we went to Pasir Panjang's Food Centre to have some cheap seafood... (well not exactly cheap arh... but good enough).. Besides the usual fanfare, we also had some black pepper crab.. shiok man. haha.
Think we covered 5km or something from the Arch to the Henderson Waves through the Forest tree top trail.. i wonder how do they actually build the Waves even since its suspended several meters high up. Anyway, its quite a majestic structure as it really resembled waves.
Overall, i was quite happy that night since i satisfied as i finally got to visit the bridges after reading about them on newspapers every now and then.. Along the way, we also passed by people having 'fun' in their cars
it might be a blessing in disguise
Result: I don't think i will get it. or any other exxonmobil project.. Although the actual results will be out in december, but my friend already gotten the acceptance email into their program..
My interview didn't go well at all. I guess i focused on the wrong stuff to prepare and i don't think i answered the questions well enough and left the wrong impression on the interviewers. Oh well.. I think its a good experience overall anyway. Thanks to those that helped me.
all this might be a blessing in disguise..
At the interview, the interviewers said that we may be required to stay on for 7 days a week instead of the initially required 6. Siao eh. liddat no life le, can't go training .. dats it. I'm both happy and sad. Happy that i most prob will have an easier job and go back school for training but sad that i can't get into this big company which can be a plus for me when i head out to work in 2 year's time, seeing that my grades aren't anywhere good.
Hope i can get CAAS now.. my 2nd choice. I think it would be fun there. haha. i think i will take pictures at the airport in my free time there. hah.
well.. thats all the updates for now. be right back .
I jus had Sava Sprints this weekend... somehow.. the competition didn't really come to me like it was a race.. but more of a super long weekend training session... The medals also didn't really mean that much to me this time round... Its feels more like a periodic evaluation to our training methods.. and thats all.. maybe its just my mood bah. shitty things happening to me here and there.. like losing my shoe bag.. sian.
It's a good thing that we are consistent in our race results.. so we know roughly where we are locally and against our foreign neighbour, the Camarines... I think both our mixed boats did well though there was an air of rivalry between them that soured later part of the day cos we couldnt achieve a 1 - 2 finish .. But i guess its good. Means, there's some hidden problem that we need to fix so we can improve overall..
Other than that.. Congrats to those getting their first medals.. but i hope they won't hao lian and continue to be humble like how we should always be. NUS will surely come back stronger.. dats one thing for sure.
Anyway, on friday, me and my og celebrated Mid Autumn Fest together.. we played a bit of tennis before heading down to Yunnan Garden to soak in the festivities. Fairuzi was nice to teach the few of us the basics.. After that, we head down to the garden and hijacked a pavilion and set up shop... setting up candles and lantern to light up the whole place before we had our mooncakes.. Funny thing was that we started to have a crowd gathering at our pavilion and they though we were one of the stations helping up with the school's Mid Autumn Festival Celebrations..
so we played along.. Chairman Shuang bluffed our friendly supporters at our pavilion that our 'station' is the lighted lantern wishing pavilion.. that if they were to hang their lighted lantern there and make a wish, their wish would 80% come true...
Well.. hope their wishes will really come true as much as they believed in it.. Because you gotta believe in it yourself before anything good can happen.. Positivity always works.
May your wishes come true!
Ever since secondary school, I've always believed in 'facing the music'... no matter what it is... how bad it is... face it and you will grow. It will sting. It will stink... but when u wake up the next day, you should just wake up feeling happy you've experienced something like that... and that its plain dumb and really stupid to wake up feeling sore. Some people might also think i'm a bit crazy to do this 'cos in a way its like torturing yourself... but i believe you should teach yourself that it doesn't hurt at all.
Anyway.. ever since young.. i've always had the affinity with the things i see around me.. the places that i passed by have become or had became part of me... When i was young, i used to past by SJI without knowing that it would become my secondary school... In NS, i would pass by hall 6 whenever we had range.. and i always thought that it looked realli chui and that the rooms reminded me of toilet cubicles from the outside.. i ended up living in one of these toilet cubicle rooms for 3 years already.. but no matter how.. i can't really peek into the future and see what will happen next .. nobody can... oh well..
August wasn't so good.. This mth.. so far not looking good.. Wonder what's planned out for the month of October.. hope it would better..
Thanks guys once again. I'm fine anyway. Its something of the past. Today wasn't totally bad... i had food, someone smsed me today at least.. and it always feel good to overtake people from the outside during sprints... too bad my endurance isn't good... need to train harder.
Boon, Jx and Yekai
Team Shot, this will be going up at the SRC.
Our Girls Team
I finally handed up my lab report.. only to find that for my next lab project, i have to hand in a mini one every week.. sianz .. and somemore we have to do individual reports again.. zzz.. anyway. thank goodness we have a sample report this time to work with.. so we are not so blur..
One more quiz next week and then its recess week.. yay! more free time.. to do catchin up on my studies and also to my batch's roller-blading session..
but i guess.. i need to sacrifice the other important aspect in my life for it then.. "expected to work extra hours (ie: 12 hours shift, 6 days week)..." sian. Every part of this project offered by Exxon sounds fun to me except this ... cos it puts in me in a spot with my cca in school.. oh.. i'm so gonna' be dropped from the main line-up..
but i think.. i need convince myself that my main objective in school is to study and get my degree... and in order to pull up my grades.. i need to ace in my IA.. Dragonboat.. is just my cca. Though i've put in alot for it. The trainings..extra trainings to catch up with trainings, the extra effort to balance my studies and outside life or whatever's left of it.. Dragonboat is still just my cca and not the main focus... But anyway, its still to early to say anythin.. maybe things will just work out fine there between me and my mentor so i can leave early and have a 5 day work week. haha... besides... i dunno if i can get this job still anyway.. almost everyone in my course is vying for a spot in Exxon since it's the top paying IA company.
Anyway.. this IA thing selection thing is taking up alot of my 'spiak' damn. I've got to catch up with my core modules and lab project.
**defn: Spiak - okay.. most people dunno this.. but it's a term my officer in my NS unit used. It can mean anythin from inspiration, motivation, energy to money, affinity, time... ie: "Don't come bother me, i've got no spiak right now.."
I got this after completing the Nike Human Race.. (both Leslie and me felt that the packaging look a lot better than the band itself.. but anyway the run was for a good cause and it doesn't matter.. since its for charity.. )
The route consist of running through the streets around town.. its both good and bad.. Its the first time anyone organised a run around the city streets by the restaurants along boat quay, clarke quay, robertson quay, a part of the CBD area.. and its quite refreshing actually.. just that it makes over-taking difficult because of the narrow route. There are supposedly acts along the way.. but then i only saw two bands playing through out the whole route.. And this run wasn't really good for me and my teammates cos we were stuck in a bad jam on our way to the race venue and had a really late lunch... from the first kilometer on.. we were nursing stitches.. that suck.. I happen to see someone though.. Brightened up my day yesterday.. lol.. I was thinking if i was lucky enough to bum into her before the race actually.. didn't know it would really happen.
(actually.. i was so excited that i exclaimed when i saw her.. and told my teammies about it.. disregarding the fact that she was just beside us when i did that.. lol. ended up she kept looking at us after dat.. wonder if she knew who we were anyway.. and that we are affliated to her through her cousin haha. )
We watched a bit of the concert that happened after the race.. wah. quite cool arh.. they set up a huge stage just like those rock concerts you see on tv.. and Utt, the host that night.. was also giving out free ipods as if they were those 50cent toys you would buy at those toy machines at neighbourhood shops.. Too bad, i couldn't stay for long.. a desk-load of work and my dad's curry was waiting back at home.. sian.
My grandma using msn for the first time.
Before that.... I went over to Clarke Quay to collect my Nike Human Race race pack.. lol. boy it was packed man.. coupled with the crappy weather.. the queue snaked around the whole Clarke Quay fountain square and all the way to MOS and back... randomly asking a stranger.. who happened to be quite way ahead in the queue.. he mentioned that he had queued up for 3 hours already and still he's 1 hour away from collecting his race pack.. wah. major cock up by the nike ppl sia. zzz. I wonder if the actual race would be a cock up.. seeing how they manage the race pack collection.