Monday, November 17, 2008

Let me die another day.

Yum. Comfort food.

mmm.. I'm feeling kinda sore now.. after finishing two papers today with a 1 hr break in between the two papers. Right now i feel like i just finished three consecutive days of guard duty. urgh. shag.. so here i am blogging about the day's adventure..

MP3001 Control and Dynamics...

i managed to complete around 4 / 5 questions... (i cross my fingers that i got most of my solutions right) ..Hopefully i can scrap through.. It's a lil bit like 'no pride' to say that bcos i'm not those that aim for Cs or Ds and heck it but.. urgh. i wouldn't want to do this subject again.. Jinhan was telling me that one of his EID mates who's got a gpa of 4+ was in a state of shock after the paper.. but me on the other hand, i was quite relieved after completing the paper though.. (jialat.i hope its not the case of die already also dunno? lol hope not.) At least can do most f the questions.. not like my year 1 physics papers and my year 2 thermodynamics paper where it was really chui. go in and flip exam question paper and not the answer booklet to write my answers down. oh well. its over le. so be it bah. hope everybody pass bah.

CS119 Hollywood to Bollywood...

I spent most of my time watching movies for this course.. but if only it is as easy as watching a movie. For this subject, you have to critic and comment on the film techniques used by the directors. Relate the cinematography, narrative to historical events.. etc...

Although i S/Ued the subject... but i dunno if i can get the S.. =( (hopefully i do. it's my last elective le) I only prepared for this paper briefly 2 weeks before but in the past week i've been focusing all my attention on my control paper. I only had a lil bit of time this morning and the break before the paper to prepare for it. If you are looking for an elective to do just to clear your AUs without studying much.. please don't take this. Its not a 'last minute paper'.

kk.. anyways, its time to start studying for my Mp3002 paper on wednesday.. I only have roughly 1 day to prepare everything..

Anyway .. things to look forward to...

1) Retail Therapy - i will be buying both Red Alert 3 and Fallout 3.

This game is a classic genre by itself ... where sex and power sells.

2) Cut my hair - i'm starting to really look like Rock Lee and i'm not a fan of long hair. (a fat one)
3) 007 - Quantum of Solace.
4) hangout at serangoon gardens over the weekend mebbe?

also after wednesday.. i look forward to having time to get back in shape.. .. i'm guilty for not being a true athlete like Yekai, Jinhan and Jonah..Think i can no longer do the 'omote renge' but i can now do the 'baika no jutsu'. shit.

Other random thoughts..

if the Marina Bay IR fail due to the economic downturn will the site be something like North Korea's Ryugyong Hotel ( ?

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