mmm... been a while since i last updated..haha.. too many events happening.. too much fotos to organise and not enuff time! school has jus re-opened and it spells the end of my summer hols. =/ didnt get to enjoy much of it. sigh...
Today was quite a good day. well.. this week is the first week.. so not much lessons.. but i think i better start on my revision and researching... i'm having problems in all the classes.. and i kenna another thermo project yet again. sian. wait. 2 thermo projects this sem. ARUGH! TML! TML I WILL START STUDYING!
Had my first From Bollywood to Hollywood lesson today.. i think its the course for me 'cos its all about film appreciation. The movie which i watched today was Monsoon Wedding. I highly recommend it to everybody man.. Its like another rendition of Love Actually... this time Bollywood style but with a distinct western flavour in its themes and direction style. I gotta get the dvd for it man.

Backtrack a lil...
For the last week of the summer hols, my team left for Penang to participate in the 6th Club Crew World Championships 08. It's likened to be the world cup in the dragonboat arena. Teams coming from Russia, Iran, Czech, Australia, USA, Germany, India, New Zealand, Canada as well as our asean neighbours Philippines, Indonesia and Cambodia, Thailand attended the event. China , Macau, Japan, Taiwan and HongKong teams also participated in this event.
We ran on a tight schedule in Penang. As soon as we arrived on that wednesday morning, we rested for a while and went immediately after lunch to the training site in order to condition ourselves to the water there. This competition was held at the Teluk Bahang Dam at Penang and the scenery there reminded me of the movie "Red Cliff".
The Dam.
Many of our western competitors were bigass huge.. The City Dragons from Australia was one such example. The tallest in their pack was this towering 2m tall ang moh who have back muscles so huge, he looked like he was carrying a backpack on his shoulders. However it wasn't the biggest that dominated the competition nor was it our beloved 'sewing machine' teams from the Philippines or Indonesia.. but the average sized Czechs. They were the smallest and the leanest of all the foreigners but they are damn fast. (kinda like NJC canoeists, btw.. kudos to them for being the WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPS)... The other legendary team would be the so called 'China Aunties' ... the Chinese Ladies team... they all look like they are in their 40s and 50s yet they can still paddle as fast as anyone else... (they are all carrying trivum paddles too btw.. wah. pro sia.)
Us and the Czechs
Durian eating China Aunties

Overall this trip was rewarding, we learned quite a bit. Though we didnt win, but we learned more of our shortcomings and what we need to improve in order to do better next time. Had quite a fun time too cos we helped bond the junior guys and gals closer together... =) We managed to 'matchmake' one couple together too... haha.. *coughjoel&kaiyincough*
Dream come true for Joel.

More photos..
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