i can't really complain for because of this elaborate plan of having a few days between papers, i am able to have ample study time to make the best out of it and try to score for my papers. So far they 'feel' quite good. not like that shitty feeling during yr 1 and 2 where i would pray that i will be contend with a pass...
but we shall see... i anin't a v good student and i am always a lil forgetful here and there..careless once in a while.
Studying at home have been really good... peace and quiet and i don't have to worry about the usual chores. My dad's been cooking alot these days. Today alone.. he made muffins and practiced grilling pork. Last weekend, he cooked miso tonkatsu ramen and cooked the swedish meatballs i bought from ikea. I know Joko's been happy. haha..
The following's the list of stuff that awaits me after this paper...
Immediately after tomorrow's paper..
1)Shop @ Uniqlo ... the megastore at 313 is now open... both me and joko are eyeing their 9.90 parkas...
2)Check out the game store at orchard central for extra wii controllers, the new super mario game, new rabbids game, mario party 8 and most probably a fourth game... a car racing game.. for the upcoming Db PIMP event, Batam trip with the lawn bowlers and maybe for my auntie's party.. Major $$$...
3)Arrange resume
Over the weekend
4) Study for last paper
5) pack for ICT
6) draft out interim report to write out during my ICT (which happens to be immediately after my paper on monday...)
After ICT
7) Rush out fyp interrim report. Send to mentor, then send to prof.
8) get back at my fyp.
9) get back my fitness
10)plan sem 2 timetable
11)full time prep for PIMP
12)prep for batam trip
and the list goes on... i'm gonna be awfully busy...

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