the army should look into a lightweight high range, low noise Naruto type radio communicators just like Jakescully's over here..
flying in the sky can talk to alien gf and brother in the jungle,
friend in helicopter,
Stealing away some moments from my interim report that doesn't seem to be finishing despite my daily efforts..
I just caught Avatar last nite with Joko... it was great! I wonder how much this movie was scaled back seeing that James Cameron did reduced Titantic from a initial i think 4 hr film to a final 3 hr film.. The storyline is rather refreshing though not entirely new and unexpected as how a person's moral compass fueled by love and attachment will always lead them to triumph over those blinded with power and greed. Once again the movies has brought more insights to how high tech future computers can be ... think of those itouch kind of projector screens.. like minority report, iron man .. Also once again Mech warrior inspired units were presented as the future mechanized tanks for the jungle...
also, its kinda funny for me to see the mother of all alien movies, sigourney weaver in another alien movie.. i think her casting has to do with her Aliens background
* * *
some interesting thoughts about my cip for ren ci today too..
When leaders of such organisations fall and mishandle funds, the organisation are affected the greatest, the dependents will also suffer as people turn away from it.
as i approach a couple of people today for donations, most of them were kind enough to drop a dime or more but i've got this lady today who once hearing that this donation was for ren ci, she just went 'oh .. then no..' and stomped away and one couple decided to discuss with me about the organisation's previous head's misdeeds. Best of all, i've got one uncle who just went 'ARRUGH!' when he saw Ren Ci imprinted on the tin can..
if you wanna do good, you better be good.
else all the good people you take care
will suffer.
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