Alice was great...
as expected of the cast... each of them played each part well..
a mad hatter getting increasingly mad over fury but not cos of insanity...
a red queen who acts like a cougar after a young knight who serves her to protect his head...
a white queen who every inch not like a queen... but more like the 'ms Bai in the 'your hand in mine' drama on chn8
many times during the film.. as i watch hatter speak,
it seems as if the next moment jack sparrow will make a cameo from a mushroom somewhere
training yesterday was okay..
i kept myself going during the circuits by humming the song in nike ad as i pushed myself to run.
all things failed when i had a stitch.
"its .. not.. how you start...
but how you finish.. "
as i logged on msn this morning, panic is in the air for my friends..
1 more week before our fyp report submission
my batteries are charged
and ready to go!

thoughts of you in my mind
if there's one pain i dun mind enduring now
is to don on a bra, some leggings and be electrocuted in a shower tub
for the gift to hear your's
jus like how mel gibson did.
just that i will do so quietly and at some secret corner of your room
or mebbe that spot where the pink elephant squat,
mebbe under the red table or
just simply behind your door
whey!!! Why u use tat pic? There is no anne hathaway in that pic!!! Put a new one.. haha
hahaha.. fixed =)
haha.. so wierd.. why u put ur name as jo koh.. just put joko lor..
else.. put jo nana also can..
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